With options on the table, can we focus on just one?

The Challenge

To unlock Logans confidence so they can step forward confidently in their business. To solve Logans future customer pain points and convey the solution through concise messaging. To uncover their competitors and create their BrandRoots.

profile photo logan colour 1
When the clouds broke. edited 1

The Outcome

Clear brand direction with Logan’s focus on design. Devised a winning strategy that would help him
achieve his goals. Uncovered the pain points of his ideal client and the emotion attached to them so that we understood how to solve their problems and sell to them with integrity (business core values).

The Story

When we began, Logan was at an impasse deciding which of 4 potential businesses he wanted to focus on. His strengths; superior design, creativity, and SPEED.

By connecting to his purpose, the goal of becoming a leading designer was born. Logan would create everything from websites, logos, social media posts, and worksheets for his clients in a timely fashion. Logan THRIVES under pressure.

After a thorough competitor analysis, we were able to devise a strategy to stand out amongst the competitors. Putting ourselves in our customers shoes, we revealed the pain points of our ideal customer.

Pain points
1. Overwhelmed in their business
2. In need of design
3. Lack consistency throughout their brand
4. Their design process is slow and losing potential sales

1. Getting clients from point A to point Z using Logans speed
2. Utilizing Logans creativity
3. Creating design materials such as website, social media posts and worksheets within 7 days.
4. Move client’s forward with urgency

By identifying his clients pain points, we were able to unlock the emotion attached to his ideal customer, frustration! The frustration of entrepreneurship and the design tasks involved. By connecting with our customers emotion, we can understand how to better solve their problems.

By the end of our time together, Logan had found the confidence in both his personal and professional lives. He had brand clarity, brand direction and brand strategy to move him forward in his business.